Weixin Quek Chong | RA Summer Exhibition 2017

The Royal Academy of Arts, Agosto 17, 2017

New work in Gallery VII


WeiXin CHONG's drawing titled Sleepwalk (2016, pen & ink, 20 x  25cm) is on exhibition at the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition 2017 in Gallery VII. The unique work links back to her video work produced in 2010, similarly titled. 


Description of the RA's Gallery VII's hang below:

In the second of the print galleries, Rebecca Salter RA surrounds us with people, animals and the places they occupy. As we investigate the works, we become tourists and voyeurs. We are drawn into the privacy of individual rooms and we surreptitiously look out through doorways or windows. In some of these works, we see tumbledown buildings and slow decay; in others we find industry, energy and new possibility – building sites, gas rigs and commuters hurrying to work. But the world we occupy is natural as well as urban. In this room, we encounter forces of nature, as well as the importance of our relationships with animals.