Beige Dreams

WeiXin Quek Chong
WeiXin Quek Chong, 2017
Zine format
Dimensions: A6

Featuring works from the series titled Beige Dreams, 2017 and Exponential Taxonomies, 2013


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All images © WeiXin Quek Chong, courtesy of the artist, ai. Gallery.



Beige Dreams is a counterpoint to the lush density of the tropical environment in response to which it was made, through the photographic capture of flowers and fluids, reminiscent of Old Master floral still-lifes. Cosmetic make-up applied to flowering plants brings out their flesh-like qualities and both piques and jars. With its beauty, fragility, freshness and decay, this floral flesh expresses fullness and delicacy of life balanced by its accompanying memento mori.


“There is a soothing and a screaming for Beige; words making flesh; the hunger of decay is never sated. Why is there almost nothing to be found of Yva Lero? 'Peau d'ébène' came out in 1979 . . . I want to read it but it is in French. Bandages come in a strange colour. We want to transcend the choice of foundation . . . This is the shade of the season; there is only one season under this sun.” -artist text

These works were exhibited at Contemporary Centre of Art (CCA) Singapore's group exhibition (Feb-May 2017) titled 'The Making of an Institution' & at UNSEEN Amsterdam 2017

Zine format
Beige Dreams: WeiXin Quek Chong
£ 10.00